ITALY 🇮🇹 Due to Honor & I temporarily living at opposite ends of the country for work reasons we decided that to keep life interesting we’ll go on one trip each month, some big, some small and Italy was on the cards this month. For anyone interested in going to Italy on a road trip (lol) we thought we’d share our travel plans as it turned out to be the perfect amount of time in different places to soak it all in, so see below and hopefully it’s helpful to you. 😌 8 Days and 7 Nights, hired a car initially and hired mopeds in each major town as a better way to travel around. All in cost about £2,000 not including meals out. Day 1 Milan Day 2 Milan & Lake Como Day 3 Portofino & Santa Margherita Day 4 Portofino & Santa Margherita Day 5 Pisa & Sienna finishing in Rome (car all the way) Day 6 Rome Day 7 Rome Day 8 Rome (in hindsight we didn’t need the 8th day) Ciao x